Biometrics |
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Biometrics is the measurement and statistical analysis of people’s unique physical and behavioral characteristics. The technology is mainly used for identification and access control, or for identifying individuals who are under surveillance. The basic premise of biometric authentication  is that every person can be accurately identified by his or her intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. The term biometrics is derived from the Greek words bio meaning life and metric meaning to measure.

One of our valuable partners in biometric systems is TBS …


Founded in Switzerland in 2003, TBS quickly established itself as the market leader in Europe and beyond; managing a reseller network of over 100 security companies worldwide. Having equipped thousands of installations across the Globe, TBS with its extensive experience and a broad reference base in Biometrics has field proven solutions for FingerPrint capturing and processing terminals.


The TBS biometric portfolio is truly made from one cohesive piece: homogeneous look and feel, perfectly integrated software and seamless partner interfaces:

A biometric device should always be geared to an application. Their comprehensive product portfolio offers unparalleled choice based on any kind of specific requirements for biometric access control.

  • Indoor/Outdoor Fingerprint + PIN + Card Terminals
  • Harsh Environment Fingerprint + PIN + Card Terminals
  • 3D Touchless Fingerprint + PIN + Card Terminals
  • IRIS + PIN + Card Terminals