Security barriers |
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Long known as NOBESO, B&K Security was formed by existing company engineers. Based out of Poland, it is one of the biggest in security barrier manufacturing with customers all over the world. Spread over an area of 80,000 sqm, their plant is fully equipped with electro-hydraulic and mechanical machines, modern production lines and solutions based on innovative technology.


B&K Security has been designing and supplying the following products across the world ;

  • Sliding and Swing Gates – High security gates impact resistant DOS K4, K8, K12, PAS 68, IWA 14-1, ASTM 2656-07
  • Road Blockers – Durable construction hydraulic road blockers that stop 7,5-ton vehicle or heavier which is driving at speed 80km/h. Security level: K8, K12, K30, PAS68.
  • Tyre Killers – High security motorized or gravitational Tyre Killers with width from 1 to 6 meters. Options of round, flat or triangular spikes.
  • Rising Arm Barriers – Anti-terrorist boom barriers with a durable construction, automatic and manual. Barriers prevent entry to restricted and are rated PAS 68, IWA 14-1, ASTM 2656-07, K4, K8, K12
  • BiFolding Speed Gates
  • High Security Fence