Rfid readers |
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RFID is a technology similar in theory to bar codes. However, the RFID tag does not have to be scanned directly, nor does it require line-of-sight to a reader. The RFID tag it must be within the range of an RFID reader, which ranges from 3 to 300 feet, in order to be read.

RFID technology allows several items to be quickly scanned and enables fast identification of a particular product, even when it is surrounded by several other items.


STid is the leading manufacturer of instinctive, contactless security technologies – delivering high security solutions approved by independent certified organizations. STiD quality solutions serve various clients in the business, governmental and industry sectors such as defense, healthcare, aerospace, naval, energy and IT.


STid invented the concept of instinctive security in 1996, redefining how organizations can protect their people, property and data with the most intuitive RFID-based access control readers on the market. Some of their innovative solutions are:


  • Mifare Desfire, LEGIC and 125KHz Proximity Readers with Keypad and/or FingerPrint
  • ATEX & IECEx certified Readers
  • Mobile ID Readers
  • Hands-Free and Vehicle Access Readers
  • Customizable Cards & Credentials
  • Hand-Held Terminals